Victor E. Bundle - Instructions
Need help accessing your Victor E. Bundle books?
Support for Victor E. Bundle
Bookstore B&N Email:
Phone: (903) 463-8631
Have more questions?
Victor E. Bundle Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Victor E. Bundle program?
- How does it work?
- Who is eligible to participate?
- What materials are included in the program?
- What materials are excluded from the program?
- How do I enroll in the program?
- Can I opt-out of the program?
- How do I change my opt-out status?
- How do I purchase my course materials if I decide to opt-out of the
- When are my textbook rentals due back to the bookstore?
- Can I buy my rented textbook?
- Do I need to return books if they are for a continuation course?
- What happens if I never verify my order?
- If I never pick up my books, will I still get charged?
- What if I drop a class?
- Can I opt-out if I picked up my textbooks?
- If my professor has recommended course materials, will those be included in
this program?
- Am I required to purchase a Victor E. Bundle?