NOTE: If you wish to drop a course or withdraw from all courses, you should contact your Success Coach first.You can locate your Success Coach's contact information in your MyViking Student Planner.
How-to drop one course:
1. Email the professor of the course you wish to drop from your Grayson College student email.
- In your email include:
- your first, middle, and last name
- your student ID
- a way to contact you (i.e. Viking email, phone number or another email)
- a brief description of why you are withdrawing
2. Your professor will then need to submit a drop request.
3. It will take a few days for the request to be finalized
Here is an example email template for withdrawing from a class:
I would like to drop <CLASS NAME> because <OPTIONAL: REASON FOR DROPPING>
*If you plan on retaking the course at a later date you can also add that here ("I plan on retaking <CLASS NAME> next semester.")
Thank you for understanding,
Vikings Email address: <GRAYSON COLLEGE EMAIL>
Personal email address: <PERSONAL EMAIL>
How-to withdraw from all courses:
1. For a full withdrawal from school, you have to contact your Success Coach. Courses will not be dropped without your Success Coach's review and the appropriate approvals.