Login Helpful Hints:
If you receive an error message, please try the following instructions before logging in, claiming your account, or resetting your password:
- Remove all spaces after the information entered into each field
- Manually type the information and avoid using AutoFill or auto-populated information
- Clear your browser cache and cookies: Instructions
- Open a “new incognito window” in Google Chrome: Instructions
- Try logging in on a different device (phone, tablet, laptop, etc)
- Open a different browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc)
- After logging into MyViking, Enable Popups: Instructions
Forgot My Username - Helpful Hints
- The personal email address is not your @vikings.grayson.edu email address
- Your username is not your Student ID number
- Your username is not an email address
Lookup Student ID Number - Helpful Hints
- Your Student ID number is not your username.
How to fix common MyViking error messages
Click here for a list of common MyViking error messages and resolutions