MyViking - Claim My Account - Student

Note: First time users must claim the account before logging in.  During the Claim My Account process, you will be issued a username, set a password, and set challenge questions.  

Your Username is different from your Student ID Number.


How to "Claim My Account"
  1. Go to:
  2. Click on "MyViking"
  3. Click on "Claim My Account"
  4. Select account type: "Student"
  5. Enter account information
  6. Passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters in length, and contain 3 of the 4 requirements:
    • 1 upper case character
    • 1 lower case character
    • 1 number
    • 1 special character (example: ! @ # $ %, etc)
  7. Passwords cannot contain:
    • Your first name
    • Your last name
    • Your date of birth
    • Your username
    • Repeated characters or a sequence of keyboard strokes (example: 1234, mmm888, or asdfg)
    • A password you’ve used in the past
  8. Setup Challenge Questions and Help Desk Questions, click "Next" or “Save” along the bottom


If you receive an error message, please try the following instructions before claiming your account:

  • Remove all spaces after the information entered into each field
  • Manually type the information and avoid using AutoFill or auto-populated information
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies: Instructions
  • Open a “new incognito window” in Google Chrome: Instructions
  • Try logging in on a different device (phone, tablet, laptop, etc)
  • Open a different browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc)


Click here for common error messages and resolutions.